Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Jock Royalty, White Male Privilege, Social Class Superiority - Oh, What a Wonderous World!


As if Brockie T. and his dad weren't disgusting enough, Brockie's father has launched a fundraiser to help with legal fees. Thoughts? Plenty.
  1. Who the fuck would donate money to a rapist? The scary thing is that there are people that surely will. "We feel so sorry for you that you got so drunk you just slipped and fell on an unconscious girl and accidentally raped her. Please take our money, you poor thing! You can't make it to the Olympics, but we'll fund you for rape."
  2. You want people to donate money to your son for something that he caused?
  3. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they surely have the money for this lawyer, but why not take even more advantage of people when you can, right? Who seriously lacks the kind of humility to pay for their rape debt?!
  4. This fundraiser is dripping with sympathy for this douche and his family, like he's the victim, like he was the one dragged behind a dumpster and raped. 
  5. Maybe forcing your son to take responsibility for his actions, get a job, and pay the debt himself would be an eye-opener for him. Probably not, but a girl can dream.
  6. Does anyone even realize the monumental financial hole you find yourself in when you're raped??  So, the person who caused this entire situation is being offered financial support, but the person this happened to isn't. 
Seriously, my skin is boiling and I want to vomit.
I was saving this special, little gold-nugget-of-a-post with a different focus entirely, but due to a recent uproar I'm going to highlight this little prick: This is Brock Turner, age 20, former and exalted Stanford swimmer.

I prefer the term rapist, but to each their own.

Would ya take a look at the difference of those pictures! The first, is the booking photo from the night he raped an unconscious, intoxicated woman. The second photo is his yearbook photo - the one you have undoubtedly seen plastered all over the news and countless stories until yesterday, when Stanford finally released the photo from the night of the rape that took place over a year ago
A little background:
Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky (aka, a sorry excuse for a judge) sentenced Brockie to six months in the county jail with three years of probation on June 2, 2016. (I feel a nickname is appropriate due to the little hand-slapping punishment he's receiving.) Persky's excuse for the measly sentence was he understood the "devastation" the victim suffered, but he feared the imprisonment of Brock would have a "severe" impact on him. Hm, severe. Oh, you mean like being raped while you're unconscious and having to wake up in a hospital for someone to inform you that you have been violated and then witnessing your assailant using every scapegoat in the book to repeatedly be excused for his actions? Good call.
A jury found him guilty of three felonies: assault with the attempt to commit rape, sexual penetration with a foreign object of an intoxicated person, and sexual penetration with a foreign object of an unconscious person.

Let's just be real here for a sec: Brockie was noticed by two bicyclists raping an unconscious and intoxicated woman behind a dumpster. 

The scene was so horrifying that one of them could not stop crying throughout his explanation of the event.You can find a short blurb about them here.

Sidebar, just to reflect:

Moving on to the little turd's gem-of-a-father:
This special little-miracle-of-a-man submitted a letter to the judge before the sentencing  in defense of Brockie. A few highlights -
+ details Brock's previous joy in cooking/eating which he has now lost
+ Brock's life will never be the same because of "20 minutes of action"
+ No priors, no violence toward anyone except this one teeny tiny incident
+ Brock is committed to educating those about the dangers of alcohol and sexual promiscuity
+ Brock - a rapist, in case you forgot - should educate other students to allow society to break the cycle of binge drinking and its "unfortunate results"
You can find the whole letter here. I can't imagine you continuing life without reading this beautiful piece of bullshit.
My response, you ask??
+ No one gives a shit what Brock used to enjoy and now doesn't. Why? He alone is responsible - not this woman that decided to go to a party with her sister and drink, not the Swedish men who allowed his arrest, and I'll even go out on a limb here and say the hosts of the party aren't to blame either. Brock took it upon himself to take advantage of a very sensitive situation, because he felt entitled.
+ If Brock's father deems it appropriate to refer to a rape as "20 minutes of action", I can understand why Brock believes it is okay to rape an unconscious woman and hold no remorse or responsibility for it. Also, no one gives a fuck about the way Brock's life has been altered. He literally brought it upon himself. The rape did, has, and will last more than 20 minutes for the victim, I can assure you.
+ What is the point of mentioning Brock having zero priors?? Not committing rape before actually raping someone does not excuse the rape. We don't get pats on the back for not committing crimes. He is not a victim.Your son is now a rapist, period.
+ Rape is not a danger of alcohol and sexual promiscuity. It is the danger of entitled pricks not being held accountable for taking something they want and then being applauded for swimming times. It is the danger of a rape being ignored because of someone's color, someone's social class, and reflecting solely on the assumed failures of the woman to avoid such a situation.
+ The only thing Brock will be strengthening the education of is the unavoidable truth of how easy it is to get away with rape if your color is just right, you've got some change in your pocket, and as an added bonus you're a worshiped jock. A rape is not an unfortunate result of binge drinking. It is not an accident. There is no "Oops!", "Oh, well!", or "I'll do better next time". Rape and drinking do not go hand-in-hand. You decide to drink and you decide to rape.
Just to further show how much Brockie is not a victim, here is his statement to the judge detailing just how much of a victim he is and that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions. I'm not even going to add my two cents, because it would be more like a million dollars and Brockie humiliates himself just fine on his own.
Other fantastic points of view:
Just in case you'd like a play-by-play on Brockie's statement, this chick has some bite.

This guy's June 6th post says it perfectly when it comes to the effects of drunkenness and douchebaggery: "I've been drunk many times, even in the prescence of promiscuous women who were also drunk, and I managed not to rape them, so I don't think drinking and promiscuity are the problems.
This here is the problem: some guys are entitled pricks, and they're entitled pricks because their fathers and coaches and friends taught them to be entitled pricks. Because they are entitled pricks, they think they can have whatever they want, and that their worth is defined by what they have and what they take.
Alcohol has this capacity to unlock what, deep down, we've always wanted to do."
I strongly urge you to read the remainder of the post.

Here are a couple more do-gooders that have spoken out - a father of a son to the father of Brock, and a 20-year-old male with a message for the victim.
The victim:
I'm going to leave you with the victim's letter to Brock. It is long. It is detailed. It is grueling. But, it is strong and brave and beautiful and true. As a fellow victim of sexual assault, this letter and the pain resonates with me. It never leaves you and there are few things that are more infuriating than watching the perpetrator get away with a slap on the wrist, if anything at all, and exuding zero remorse.
Her last paragraph is dedicated to "girls everywhere":
"And finally, to girls everywhere, I am with you. On nights when you feel alone, I am with you. When people doubt you or dismiss you, I am with you. I fought everyday for you. So never stop fighting, I believe you. Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining. Although I can’t save every boat, I hope that by speaking today, you absorbed a small amount of light, a small knowing that you can’t be silenced, a small satisfaction that justice was served, a small assurance that we are getting somewhere, and a big, big knowing that you are important, unquestionably, you are untouchable, you are beautiful, you are to be valued, respected, undeniably, every minute of every day, you are powerful and nobody can take that away from you. To girls everywhere, I am with you. Thank you."


  1. If 20 years is too long for a privileged to spend in prison after being convicted, what do they think is going on with the victim/survivor? That's a lifetime of painful memories to have to recover from? And 20 min of action? Really? That's a horrible classification of rape. "Getting action" to me means both people are consensual in getting some action. What he did was rape her.

    1. Exactly! The actual victim will carry this physically, emotionally and mentally for the rest of her life. I can't believe how many people are concerned about Brock.
      Thanks for the comment!
      Abigail :]
