Will there ever be an age when it's acceptable to just drop your life and go? No explanations, no safe net, just go.
I feel like the only correct answer is when you're an adolescent. But at that age you don't really have a life, or money, or anything for that matter. You'll forget the adventure before your next acne break-out.
In my experience, you start taking care of yourself at a young age emotionally, mentally, and quite swiftly financially as well. Once you're at this level of premature adulthood, it's almost impossible to fathom a getaway. You're expected to fulfill a specific idea of "success". Complete school in a timely manner, work a less than satisfying job to pay rent and bills on time, quickly attach yourself to a time-consuming career, start a family and what, wait until you're ancient to enjoy the adventures of life?
If this isn't your idea of life, of real life, welcome to my world and get ready for the gasps of the general public, the condescending gawks and all-too-comfortable audible disapproval. From this point on you're not reaching your full potential, or you're wasting your life away. Even if you have ten times the common sense, know how, and street smarts as the person next to you you're considered a waste of time, uneducated.
Is this the American lifestyle? We're too busy to enjoy life until we've made ourselves buy into this cookie cutter idea of what the general public thinks life is? Wife, kids, career. Where is the life in that?
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